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About Tappivanukas

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  1.   Great explanation! I hear that too, that I close vowels too much and that makes my singing sound strangled and too tight sounding. I will try this too. Thanks man!
  2.   I don't feel straining or hoarse at all. I can keep singing like that for hours.   I try to sing it with lighter configuration at weekend and maybe when I have time I record it. I know it's not as free sounding as I would want, but now it sounds better to me. Your suggestion to sing little less volume really helped me. Thanks for your advices!
  3. Ok, here is new version of me singing "Heaven and Hell".    I've been training distortion lately, so I thought I would like to try it. Now it sounds more that I like. I also didn't sing so loud this time and that helped too to get better tone. I forgot to sing the "On and on and on" part with ah vowel,   but tone is better this time so it doesn't matter to me.   Give me your opinions, thanks.
  4. Hey you are right! I have to listen vowels more carefully and try this again. Thanks for the advice!
  5. Thanks Robert for you reply! It's great to hear positive opinion about my voice. I'm a little perfectionist and maybe I'm just shocked how I really sound. I understand that I'm in the beginning of my singing journey. Thanks for your offer, I've been planning to buy your program at some point. Right now I can't afford it, but when I get some money I will definitely buy it!
  6. Hello!   I'm 22 year old guy and I've been singing now little over six months. I have taken 6 CVT lessons and I tried Ken Tamplins program which I didn't care for very much. When I started taking lessons the highest note I could hit was F#4 and now it is A5. The lowest note I can hit is B1. So thanks to great lessons and teacher I got my range working. Now my problem is my tone that I don't really like. To me it sounds kind of whiny and it doesn't sound natural. I've got pretty low speaking voice (somewhere around E2) so singing high isn't the most natural thing for me, even it is now easier. I like 70's and 80's rock and Dio is my favorite singer and I'm chasing tone like he had. I think his tone was really full sounding, meaty and rich.   Here is my trying to sing Black Sabbaths Heaven and Hell:    Tell me what you think and tell me if you have any advice how to get richer and fuller tone.   Sorry if there are mistakes, my English is little bit rusty...
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