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TMV World Legacy Member
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About WhiteTan

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  1. This is great! Definitely like the dance moves..  looks like you both are multi-talented
  2. For a starting point, there are some great teachers on Youtube who can help you understand a lot of the basics. Eric Arceneaux, Felicia Ricci, and Kimberly Smith all have excellent videos.   They give you tons of different exercises you can work with but the thing is, it can be hard to know if you're doing the exercise correctly, since you won't be getting direct feedback on your technique.   I'd recommend hiring a vocal coach when you can afford one. And when you can afford it, be very selective about who you choose.   Good luck
  3. I'm definitely not an expert.. but this isn't bad at all. Great tone and I like your delivery. 1.42 was pretty great. I did notice a few breaks in your voice here and there. Hopefully you'll get a response from somebody with more knowledge who can give you a specific direction on where to improve. Overall this is pretty solid. Well done!
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