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  1. Thank you both very much ☺️ I get Florence or Sarah McLachlan quite a lot so I was expecting someone to make the comparison :P
  2. Hi guys, my last post was deleted with the mistake. So I haven't mastered head voice or vibrato yet but I just wanted to know vocally how I was developing. Please be as critical and honest as possible http://www.smule.com/p/53551511_38388112 http://www.smule.com/p/87647893_38403945
  3. Hi guys, so I'm back after a bit of practice and I just wanted to share with you my new cover of best of you, mostly for feedback and critique. Please, be as harsh and honest as possible as I really want to improve and build. Thank you. http://www.smule.com/p/86614364_21048544
  4. They're just instrumentals of YouTube and I'm not confident enough to change it around yet, I'm still trying to work on my vocals. But you are right, I don't know anyone who plays an instrument but I will work on writing some stuff anyway. Thanks for the reply !
  5. http://www.smule.com/p/86614364_13637262 http://www.smule.com/p/86614364_13627214 Hi, I know it's me again! Haha, probably sick of seeing me now lol! Anyway, here is my newest cover. I was just wondering if I'm going into songs too hard because in most of my recent songs my voice is very... Boomy? If I tried to go quieter it doesn't feel natural and my voice just cracks, I'm using open throat, breathing from the diaphragm and 'bearing down' or pushing from my stomach. Thanks! Eta: just ignore the quiet parts this song is open as a duet on the app, hence the vocal breaks as well.
  6. I'll make sure to keep practising that Owen, thank you very much! Thank you Felipe and Ron, I thought that having never had lessons I might have had a lot of problems but its nice to hear I don't sound as bad as I think I do! Haha.
  7. http://www.smule.com/p/86614364_13015181 Is this any better? It's hard to control now I've got into the habit of it and I'm working to cut it out and then moving onto the vibrato disc on SS And another where I try to find a natural vibrato. http://www.smule.com/p/86614364_13262258
  8. Thank you both, I do get Florence Welch a lot from family and friends which is a massive compliment. Just wish I had her range! Haha. Yeah, the bad vibrato is a habit I'm trying to cut out but it feels like I'm singing flat without doing it but I suppose I've just got so use to hearing it back it would sound weird Ill definitely work on it, thanks guys!
  9. It's been a while since I posted here and I've gone away since my last cover and practiced a lot, I even started Singing Success about two weeks ago! Anyway, I'd like to hear what you think of my new cover and hopefully give me some helpful critique. http://www.smule.com/p/86614364_12809997 Thanks! :)
  10. Yes I can hold it however the problem I'm trying to figure out, I hope I can make sense of it. When you go into falsetto you go out of your chest voice into a breathy tone, kind of like the way you whisper except not quite that. Is head voice in the same speaking voice as chest voice? I just seem to break when trying to go high from chest voice, I just don't think I know exactly how to find it. Is there any exercises other than lip bubbling to find that range. Sorry if I'm not very clear. Thanks :)
  11. https://vine.co/v/huTdiXmAK5W?fb_action_ids=10201247127887488&fb_action_types=vine-app%3Apost&fb_source=aggregation&fb_aggregation_id=288381481237582 https://vine.co/v/hutg1zjPUpL?fb_action_ids=10201247679301273&fb_action_types=vine-app%3Apost&fb_source=other_multiline&action_object_map=%7B%2210201247679301273%22%3A345276388933858%7D&action_type_map=%7B%2210201247679301273%22%3A%22vine-app%3Apost%22%7D&action_ref_map=%5B%5D This head voice? Or still falsetto? So frustrating, but I did feel the kind of buzz in my head :cool:
  12. Coaching isn't an option, there's no way I can afford it hence why I asked on the forum and use YouTube videos :)
  13. So head voice is falsetto except with cord closure? My head voice with cord closure is very quiet and low :S I never realised belting required a mix, no wonder I find it hard and painful to really hit the harder high notes! Thanks.
  14. I still don't get how to get to it from chest voice because I just break into falsetto, I can't go any higher without straining and then I have no clue where to go from there Am I still supposed to be in, uh not sure how to put this, the same speaking voice? Should I feel any vibrations in my chest? It's just so confusing. Sorry for all the questions. I always thought Adele was just belting on the chorus, her voice hardly changes in difference from her chest voice.
  15. https://vine.co/v/huXr3nJDgXu/embed Just did this quickly and was wondering if that was head voice I went into or falsetto. I didn't force any vibrato out at the end either, I guess it just came naturally with the breathing? Thanks.
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