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I'm hearing a few different things making you a bit pitchy and strained, especially on higher notes. The one thing I think will help the most is lifting the voice out of the throat and onto the soft palate more. You have a great voice, but not having that extra lift is causing you to go flat on certain notes. Learn good embouchure. The easiest way to describe that over text is to smile or bare your teeth (horizontal embouchure), narrow how wide you are vertically, and push your tongue straight into your bottom teeth to help lock in your chest voice musculature especially on higher notes. A simple way to feel this lift is (1) make a soft "K" sound while inhaling. Where that hits the roof of your mouth is where you want to point your vowels. Vowels will modify to include shades that are deeper into the soft palate as you go higher, but simply trying to relax into that "resonant spot" or "soft K spot" will help immensely. (2) "Over the pencil", instead of using a pencil, just place a finger on your bottom lip, bare your teeth (engage embouchure), and then sing up and over your finger.  This new "lift" of the voice will correct a lot of issues and start to get you to where you're not singing in your throat as much, which in turn makes singing more effortless and consistent. The idea is to relax the pressure upward and then out, taking the strain off the throat.



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