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Love on the Brain/Higher by Rihanna Mashup

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Great to see you in here again.

Wow, sounds great!

Great belts!

Interpreted very nicely. Have you been working on interpretation? It looks like you have. There is a lot of attention given to "feeling" the story in this performance.

Best I have ever heard you sing. Truly great and you look great. Your the total package... You have a great career as a singer ahead of you. KEEP GOING!


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  • TMV World Member

Thanks Robert I really appreciate your feedback. I have also followed yours and Georges advice. I have just recorded my first single currently going through final editing


kind regards


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I watched it several times this week and have yet to find anything to critique or help with. This is amazing!

The only thing I oculd offer constructive criticism on is your performance. I coached bands (signed and unsigned) across the world in their performance and career for many years. You lose yourself in the music quite often, which is absolutely perfect. When you lose yourself, you give the audience permission to do the same. Work on your actions following the lyrics rather than anticipating them. For instance, before you sang "It's the only thing that's in my mind", you pointed to your head and had already lowered your hand by the time you sang the line. The emotional impact from the visual can greatly enhance the performance when in sync. This can also be expressed by letting your entire body flow with the music. HOWEVER, I still felt the song, it didn't take away from it at all. 

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  • Administrator

Draven, Ellise joined our community about four years ago and from the get go, was posting songs of her singing. She's our little sister here. We have literally witnessed her growth and maturity in the forum.

We've watched you grow up in this forum Ellise. From a girl with potential to a young woman who sings great. It's pretty cool.

Ellise is a good example of what can happen when you work hard at singing and never give up. Ellise is the real deal.

Congrats to your family, your coach down there and to you.

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