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Still loving you

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hi, guys!

I've been working a lot lately on singing with a relatively clean tone in the tenor range for hard rock music and thanks to the help of my friends on this fantastic forum, I feel that I've learned a lot and made some progress. For the past 2 days I was recording and mixing my voice against a backing track I found for The Scorpions' song "Still loving you", which is a song I've always loved. I used standard recording techniques like eq-ing, comping, compressing, adding slight reverb, but no auto-tuning ... and that's pretty much it.

I know it's not perfect yet, but hopefully one day I can sing some of my favorite songs, which are quite difficult to sing, and do them fair justice. Hope you like it!

I put the song on both speedyshare and box.net, so just use the site you prefer as the tracks are identical:



With regards,


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks guys! Steven Fraser, what has been helping me lately with those type of songs is practising some things you've been writing a lot about here, i.e. about vowel modifications and onsets. So thanks for that! This stuff is still freaking hard to do well and I still consider myself a beginner at this. Have a nice day, all.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks guys! Steven Fraser, what has been helping me lately with those type of songs is practising some things you've been writing a lot about here, i.e. about vowel modifications and onsets. So thanks for that! This stuff is still freaking hard to do well and I still consider myself a beginner at this. Have a nice day, all.

I consider myself something of a beginner, too. I still learn. I'll probably quit learning when someonne puts me in a box 6 feet under.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hi Jonpall,

If you're a beginner, what the heck am I? lol....I've been at this for 20 years! You're doing a fantastic job and I hope I can light a candle next to you. :D Awesome job!

Michele :)
Rock on..

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks Michele :) Not everyone that hears this is going to be as kind as you guys, though, but that's quite ok with me. Note that I can't do it this well every time, but that's what the studio is for, right? ;) Still, there are a few pieces in there that bother me slightly and I'm going to work on fixing them. I think it's about getting all those vowels absolutely perfect every time...

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

no matter how many takes you do, you will always pick your work apart. Trust me.......this part...that part...well...let me tell you that the pros that we try to compare ourselves with do the same! That's why recordings sound so good! they produce it to sound the best it can. Your voice and that recording is just as good as anyone signed. It will never be perfect. You do the best track you can. Some days are better than others. Can be humidity, the way you're feeling that day, hormones for us women even!

Please don't pick yourself apart. My teacher used to get me to say the word 'you' eeeeeewwwwooooo. So that when you sing it, you're giving yourself a launching pad to get to the ooooo part. You can try that. ;)

Keep on rockin' my friend!

Michele :)
Rock on..

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I have not heard the original but that was very good. There is nothing that jumps out at me as not being right, perhaps you had something in your mind that should have been different from how it actually turned out but we can't read your mind so we don't hear that as an imperfection.

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