Before to get started with the article I want to apologize for my bad English!!!
Recently i received a letter (automatic) from Hilary Canto where was written:
"We would like to see you raise your profile more and be seen! This can be done with your page, videos, music uploads and blogs. Tell a story and promote your unique talent! Enter into discussions on other posts and let members see who you are."
That's gave me a courage to write something here, at last, instead of just reading.
I decided to share my own approach for developing , but you will not find any advices about "How to sing" or something about the vocal techniques. I will share my way of THINKING about singing and to be a singer.
I don't know whether this article will be helpful to somebody, but is written with love to all!!!
So, let's get started:
I. If you want to be a singer you must need to sing. If your mother or father wants to make you musicians - excellent - TRY, but if you don't like it - stop here.
II. Оn the first place singers sings with his soul and on the second place with his vocal mechanism. When you become a professional singer and sing every night the things become a little bit different but you must try to keep the fire.
III. When you try to find a vocal coach, - go, meet him and think about him not only like a person who will show you how to sing, but you must see a person who has the abilities to teach you how to think about the art of music, and the art of living.
IV. So, you feel you want to sing, you have found a teacher - so... Of course, you must sing - when you're walking,, when you are at home, when you take a bath (it is not good for the vocal cords, but you get the idea;)). If you don't practice, and sing only when you have vocal lessons, you will not achieve too much.
V. You will find many singers who are better than you - don't worry, may be some day you will become good like them. You must understand, that not everybody is born for the big stage (imagine if everybody become "stars"). The music is not competition, which is different of the music industry. The art is a way to to express yourself, to send message, to make somebody happy (including yourself). It's not need to be great even good singer to sing. I'm telling you this, because if somebody tells you "You can't sing good, why are you doing this?" - first of all, no professional will tell you something like that, the second - you make it for your enjoyment (you fill happy when you sing, etc.), and once again - nobody knows how good you can become .
VI. You must listen different kind of styles. This will help you to find the best fitting genre for you, which depends on two things - whether you like it, and how capable are you to represent the songs from this genre. To choose the right song for singing is very important thing and as the number of the songs you have listened is growing up, your choice will be bigger, you will improve your technique (trying different songs, from different styles), your knowledge base will become wider and your self-confidence will growing up too.
VII. Try to be good person as it possible. The hygiene of the soul is such important as the hygiene of the voice. Think about the problems of the world, about what you can change, help the others. Try to find inspiration for singing and writing your own lyrics and songs. And if someday you become a great singer, don't forget from where you started!
(I wanted to add a point "Try to find friends - musicians", but obviously if you are here, so you want to do this )
Good luck to all, and God bless you!
Yours Sincerely!!!
Dimitar (active working singer)
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