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Mayor Hawthorne - Green Eyed Love

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

hiya folks! Trying to do new things, started taking playing the keys more seriously lately to help me sing...not too concerned about the recording quality or key playing raight now...that can wait....hehe, mainly the vocals.


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

so this is kind of were i'm raight now http://soundcloud.com/rnwhiphop/singing-test i'm giving the local singing teacher a call to see what i can figure out....hehe..

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I missed your tone, man. It's so smooth. I don't mean to be too racial, but you sound black. It has this velvety, rich timbre, and it's effortlessly so. Did you add that bit of twang? You sound a bit less muffled too. I mean this is not 'completed song' stuff here, but I already feel 'smooth.'

However, on singing, you're gonna have to keep training man. It's sounding like you have a bit of trouble with getting up in pitch comfortably without cracking or petering out. I'll tell you what, you love these 'oh' and 'hey' kinds of vowels, it sounds like you're in what CVT would call Overdrive, which requires a lot of breath support and additional volume to maintain as you move up in pitch. If you escalate support and volume, as you moved up in pitch, you could get up a lot higher but it might be tough to maintain the kind of relaxed groove you're going for.

But in order to maintain the 'smooth and quiet' grooves you seem to gravitate to, you might want to try messing with some different vowels and modifying towards them higher up, like uh or ih.

In general, I'd actually suggest you work on all of your vowels, and get a feel for how they are 'up there' as you move them around, but in order to do a lot of this you're going to have to adjust airflow and gain a lot of control.

Singing actual scale exercises, or lip bubble exercises in ascending and descending manner would be really good exercise to get your voice comfortable over more range.

Overall, you've this killer tone that you'll have to find some way of practicing probably a bit bigger range and control to take full advantage of. A teacher would be best, but if you work it right, I suspect you can train it well past this point on your own.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thank you so much for the support! I Should have replied earlier. I think i just got side tracked by those video's one night, and just went on to sleep...ayyeeeeh!

I hope to have something posted up when I improve! Have a good one!

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