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TMV World Legacy Member
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Everything posted by adarth

  1. Thanks Steven!!! As usual you are very helpful I will try. Can you give me a link to an example? I mean this suggestion about onsets? It would be easier for me. Sometimes I'm not sure I understand how should I practice... Sorry for taking your time. Br, Robert
  2. From last gig http://www.youtube.com/hushpl#p/u/0/WDzoM8G_EZU
  3. Steven, Is that ok from technical point of view? I do not feel any pain or problems, but I can't say that it is very easy to sing some high notes;) Of course there is a lot of editing in this recording, so it could be difficult to give meaningful answer. Robert
  4. I hope that this is a better version. This is not the final mix. http://w800.wrzuta.pl/audio/1UX8wd8YtiN/hush.pl_-_kobieta
  5. This is not typical song for my band but I shout as usual The quality of recording is not good but I hope you can hear something. Any comments are appreciated Br, Robert
  6. Matt, I'm complete amateur. This was our second gig after 16 years break ... By that time I did not sing (with the exception of singing in the shower ) About two years ago we decided to reactivate our band. Last year I started to improve my voice I took 3 SLS lessons, bought some courses and I'm learning... I do not care how high I can sing. It doesn't matter for me. I can high but there are a lot of people who can higher The key for me is to sing healthily so this is also the reason why I love Ronnie's singing. Still working on my singing and still searching for my style All for my and, I hope, audience pleasure.
  7. It is possible, my name is also Robert :cool: Matt but you can love me too One of my voice gurus is Ronnie James D. :lol:
  8. There were some mistakes and errors but this is just a gig I have some observations and a lot of work to do. So I'm happy because I have new challenges. Waiting for your feedback Br, robert BT Polish language is quite difficult to sing a lot of ssss and zzzz ;)
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