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Posts posted by Danielformica

  1. The reason it is inconsistent is because those songs hover around d4 to a4. brightside if you play starting on D major. Sings d4 the whole verse then goes up to some f# and g's so if you sing constantly on d4 you could get very tired by the time you go up to f# you are gonna feel you have to push. This is where perfect practice (vowels, breath etc) is gonna be really important. Knowing exactly how to approach. If you just keep blindly throwing yourself at it it's gonna be a long hard road. Basically think of it like you are lifting a moderate heavy weight but a ton of times. It's gonna get tiring. 

  2. Hey simpan you definitely don't have to worry about whether you are a baritone or tenor yet unless you decide to sing classical. 

    From listening to the clip I think you know that what's happening is you just keep getting louder and louder until you can't get any louder and it just caps out. That is definitely not the way to do it. You want to stay connected without getting louder. Work on your falsetto up and down your range a bit first then choose a volume and stick with it. Sing on ah to oo that might help. Try to relax your face and jaw and mouth like your a mannequin and think like you are singing straight across rather than going up and down. Just some thoughts to work with but don't continue with what you were doing.

  3. if you are not a trained singer do not even put yourself in a category(tenor,baritone,etc) It will just play into your psyche. You are any type of singer you want to be. It just takes practice. Being a vocal coach myself I dont teach my students how to sing they already know how. I help them become more consistent and get better with time with a solid base and vocal foundation. good luck keep singing!!

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