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TMV World Legacy Member
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About L06383424H

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  1. Thanks a lot Seth I really do appreciate it. I'd love to have more advice from other members I can't wait.
  2. Sorry, I'm not sure what you're saying, did I do something wrong? Did you not like the 'backing music' originally and uniquely created by me?
  3. I'm trying to figure out really what's next for my vocal achievements you said you didn't know were to go from there but this is something I really need to figure out.
  4. Alright, so I recorded a vocalmentral and it's basically an instrumental. http://soundcloud.com/l06383424h/instrumental Then I mixed both tracks because I know how sometimes instruments make people sound better and I think I'm onto something: http://soundcloud.com/l06383424h/littlelamb-extended-with-music Thanks so much for the complements you made my day and really improved my singing. I had to upgrade to Audacity I've been using Windows Recorder that comes with windows xp.
  5. Okay, bro I just got done recording this in my recording studio, with your suggestion in mind. http://soundcloud.com/l06383424h/littlelamb-exstended Check it out and tell me if you think it's improved any I'm not sure if I was able to really interpret you suggestion correctly but check it out.
  6. Thanks a lot It's a little late right now and I need to get to bed but ill really listen and make another recording and ill modify my voice and do another song probably tomorrow.
  7. http://soundcloud.com/l06383424h/littlelamb Thanks It's just a little something I whipped up a few minutes ago.
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