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Everything posted by cmw41570

  1. Thank you! I'll have to get some sort of guidance... I hadnt a clue as to how to change the nasal sound. Ive always had a problem with not opening my mouth enough... my middle school chorus teacher used to stress that. I have a bad habit of tensing up my mouth and jaw, which I'm sure doesnt help the sound at all. I'll def have to do some homework on this. Thank you again!
  2. Thanks guys! I def understand the nasalness, but not sure how to correct it. Perhaps that's where a coach would come in. Thank you again. Open to more input as well!
  3. Critiques welcome. I'm just trying to figure out if it's something I ought to persue further... as in seeking out a vocal coach. It's "Home" , sang by Gweneth Paltrow in Country Strong. And "We are Glass"
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