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Everything posted by masterson312

  1. https://soundcloud.com/user893437388/you-got-it-bad https://soundcloud.com/user893437388/let-me-love-you I really pretty bad ears and have been working on ear training so I have trouble really judging my voice in terms of sound/pitch and whatnot how is it guys?
  2. How is it guys https://soundcloud.com/user893437388/one-day-matisyahu I've been working to improve my pitch which hasn't been up to par. I've been trying to improve my hearing as a whole. How is it? This is the original
  3. https://soundcloud.com/user893437388/little-things-update https://soundcloud.com/user893437388/so-sick I have no trouble hitting notes I hear on a piano I realized when I try to figure out the pitch from someone's voice I end up thinking it's higher than it actually is. I'm not sure why So I tried these out How is my pitch...be blunt I prefer it I would typically be sharp by a note or so . i may have gotten a bit flat though now
  4. Okay here's a final attempt at this song https://soundcloud.com/user893437388/your-song-last-attempt
  5. I started playing around with a tuner and the thing I realized is that when I go for the note, instead of hitting the note exactly, I tend to "search" for the note. I hit a note around ti and try to adjust. I've been seeing what's up when I just play one note on the piano For example if I play C, I might sing C# and then adjust downwards to C on my own, Instead of hitting the note immediately, I tend to slide to the note. Usually I'm noticing that I'm 0.25 cents off and find the note. If i get time to think about the note, I'm more accurate. But with singing a song, I'm forced to change so often that I keep finding myself in weird situations because I don't have time to adjust...again that's my ideas I'll keep up with the Vocal exercises and Ear training. I've been working on that for the past few weeks
  6. Here's another try at it any better? https://soundcloud.com/user893437388/your-song-take-2 My issue is I have trouble with my own voice. I know what it's supposed to sound like but I can't always form the pitches with my voice
  7. So I've been trying to track my progress with my voice...here's my latest recording I've always had issues with pitch, how have I progressed in terms of staying on pitch Edit: Okay Here's my final attempt at this song https://soundcloud.com/user893437388/your-song-last-attempt How's the pitch on it
  8. I've always had pitch problems I've been working on hearing pitch and matching it more recently how does my pitch sound, I guess my voice is also somewhat important too http://soundcloud.com/user893437388/little-things-one-direction here's the original
  9. I don't really trust my ears much at all, I've been training them more recently I've had trouble with pitch for a while now http://soundcloud.com/user893437388/one-day I know I had pretty bad support at some points...I still have some breathing issues
  10. Okay...I have some issues singing out loud and singing in tune. I recorded some new stuff that's a bit louder How is it http://soundcloud.com/user893437388/sets/singing-samples Use Somebody Look After You Torn
  11. Update: Okay well here's a little bit louder...I can't get myself to belt it out, I know it's in there just can't do it. Add in background. Redid Valarie http://soundcloud.com/user893437388/valarie-louder-with-background I realized that I was singing it way too low, I'm not sure if my pitch is still there though
  12. Hi everyone. I have had some anxiety with regards to singing over the years. I was just curious how do I sound exactly? I really can't figure out whether or not I'm acceptable, bad, or somehow good because it's hard for me to judge my own voice These are short 30 second tidbits from stuff. How am I? I would like honest feedback versus someone just being nice http://soundcloud.com/user893437388/sets/samples Update...because it's too soft, here you go...a little bit louder, with instrumental http://soundcloud.com/user893437388/valarie-louder-with-background
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