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About TheMutantTurtle

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  1. Hey Everybody! As the subject says, I'm new to the forum and was just curious if some of you would be able to help me figure out what voice type I am. I'll post a link with me talking (basically just rambling so you can get an idea of where I usually talk around) and at the end I do some scales to determine my passaggio and whatnot. I'll also post a link to a couple songs that I sing in (for my band) just to also kinda get an idea of where I usually sing about. I seem to be having a hard time figuring out what I would be classified as a voice type. I tried taking lessons a while ago but that didnt work out (I mention it in the clip where I talk) she felt I was a bass, which I have a hard time believing that I am (I could be but I couldnt even sing as low as she wanted me to). Other people have told me I'm a low tenor (far cry from bass, right?) but I don't know if thats right either cause I have a hard time going over F4, there is a lot of strain (could just be poor technique and lack of proper training, no head voice). Scales/Talking Clip http://vocaroo.com/i/s1ppiwb85D7P Songs Any input would be appreciated! Thanks!
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