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Everything posted by MasterBlaster

  1. Much appreciated kind sir. As the young kids say - Respect! And thanks to MDEW as well. Your cool in my book.
  2. Thanks for posting that I agree 100%. It's the exact same thing that I said ("If you want a grittier tone you need to push more and sing louder.") but only I said it in laymans terms to make it simpler to understand. I also gave a warning that you should warm up first. The more you support the more air you blow through your vocal chords thus increasing the intensity (volume) and muscularity of the tone.
  3. If you want a grittier tone you need to push more and sing louder. Cornell is pushing it to 100%. You sound like you are at about 80%. Make sure you are warmed up real good and push it to the limit and watch the grit come alive. This guy is giving it a good push.
  4. Xamedhi it's all falsetto (not adducted vocal chords). I could do similar sirens high up on my very first day very easily but when I tried to sing say a g4 in headvoice for example it was impossible. Try this. Try going up high on a siren and when you reach the peak open your mouth and sing "this is my headvoice" all at the same pitch. Recored it, it will be falsetto. Don't get me wrong I think falsetto is great, I train my falsetto every day because it helps build my headvoice. It's the gateway to head voice. Believe what you want, I am not trying to get you down or disparage you, I am simply making an objective observation. Knowledge is power.
  5. Don't want to burst your bubble but you're singing in falsetto not head voice. Try singing a 4-5 note phrase all on an A4 eg "This is my head voice" or just make up any phrase and you'll see it's falsetto. Sirens are falsetto. That's why they are so easy to do and also why they are used to train head voice.
  6. There should be no strain from singing in tune even with a weak voice. The more you sing the stronger the voice will get. And while you're singing you might as well sing in tune.
  7. It was weak and out tune. Two separate problems. Support does not fix out of tune singing nor will it fix a weak voice.
  8. You're out of tune. Get a mike and plug it into your computer, then go to http://www.seventhstring.com/tuner/tuner.html and sing single sustained (10-20 second) notes and try to keep the pitch as steady as possible.
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