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About josh314

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  1. Thank you ronws. The "talking" and dull sound I've been struggling with for a while, but you made it clearer, thanks.
  2. Thank you, Lavishous. Yeah, at this point, finding my head voice/falsetto is one of my main priorities. I will keep practicing, but it's reassuring to know that my voice will kind of settle down and I'll be able to hit high notes again. Ah alright. So practice is the best thing I can do. And maybe I'll try the song again, and it will probably be better since I won't be worried about waking anyone in my house up, haha. Only problem is my voice cracks, and when I try to sing high notes, it kind of sounds like I'm squeaking, and not an actual singing sound is coming out, lol. I will try to push my voice (but I won't strain it) by singing higher pitched songs. Thank you. And Owen, thank you. I will still try to train my voice.
  3. Thanks Owen. I kind of figured I was at that transitional stage with my voice. So there is nothing I can really do now to expand my vocal range, but I will still condition the voice I have now.
  4. I'm currently 15 years old, and I used to sing a lot when I was little, and prepubescent. Now, in the midst of my voice changing, I'm trying to get back into singing, but it's as if my vocal range has been cut off on both sides. My voice isn't as low as it's going to be, but it's way lower than it was 2 years ago. I was wondering if in a few years, once my voice has stopped deepening, would it be easier to sing higher notes, as well with lower notes? Right now, when I try to use my headvoice, I just can't. I end up cracking and straining my voice. Using falsetto isn't an option either, because my voice just decides to crack. The song I cover below has a high part, and I've tried to sing the high notes but I can't seem to reach them, so I drop an octave lower. As of now, I know my voice is very untrained, dull, pitchy, nasally, etc. I hope to work out those problems as well, but for now I'm focusing on my vocal range. http://vocaroo.com/i/s0uskOGfWM8K (A few tips or exercises to reach that head voice/falsetto sound would be greatly appreciated, as well)
  5. Thanks a lot, guys. So basically my pitch is a bit off, and my sound is dull? I know the pitch can be corrected, but I'm still having trouble grasping the idea of how to make my voice less dull.
  6. So I've been singing since I was in 6th grade. I guess back then I had a good voice, as in prepubescent "cute" sounding. But now, I'm turning 15 soon, voice got deeper (still a bit high, though), and is still getting deeper. I record myself singing now, and something about it just sounds bad. Is it the pitch? Breathing? Or am I just not a good singer? If I'm just not meant for singing, I'm willing to accept that. I'm just wondering if there is any room for improvement, or am I just hopeless? If there is any room for improvement, how? http://vocaroo.com/i/s0aNxQoIBOH7 Sorry for bad quality.
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