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Everything posted by bebot

  1. Haha, Thanks Xamedhi. I definitely Agree, diversify her audio input and let her listen lots of lots of music. Perhaps, encourage her to experiment with creating her own songs as Phil suggested and find her own style. She may enjoy it, hopefully.
  2. Hi Phil, You are absolutely right. Maybe I'm putting too much pressure to her that's why she's not taking my advice most of the time. Yes, I should let her enjoy and have fun singing. Thanks a lot for the post. I will definitely remember that. I just watched some of your videos on your Youtube channel. Good stuff. I'll share the link to my daughter. Thanks again
  3. Thanks again Adoney. I've been Googling on this issue and I found out that there are many other singers out there who have similar issue but this is perhaps a good thing. See what I've found: http://music.stackexchange.com/questions/9839/how-to-control-unintentional-natural-vibrato-in-singing and http://music.stackexchange.com/questions/2047/how-do-i-develop-a-good-vibrato?rq=1
  4. Thanks Adoney. Good to know. Actually, sometimes her voice vibrates when she sings "head voice". Check 0.56 to 0.57 on the second song and also at 1.01. I'm not sure if that is good or not and how to avoid it. She said she can't.
  5. Hi, I've been searching for forum where I can ask for advice to improve the voice of my daughter and finally I found this forum. I been doing home recording lately because of my 13 years old daughter and now that she has some songs (cover) recorded in actual studio, I would like to hear what do you think of her voice, which part/weaknesses need to improve and how. Link on youtube is here: and also here BTW, I'm new here and hope to meet new friends. Thanks in advance Bebot
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