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About bronya2057

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  1. Thanks a lot for your time. It is extremely helpful comment. And you are right about it doesnt matter what I did to get such tone or how much I worked. It is the final product what matters. Ill keep working and definitely put that track to the limit.
  2. There are some strains, but with a notes that high I think anyone would strain a bit. The tone is great. Its definitely your song but try and transpose it for comfortable singing. And the strains is not always what we hear, but it is always about what you feel. Your body will tell you for real, if you are you straining or not. As for the recording, for me it is just some high notes in the end. Sang very well.
  3. Xamedhi great comment. Everything what you need to know in 1 comment. Bit power, and a little work on the sound itself. At your start you will want to copy someone but someday you have to find your own style. Try working on the end phrases maybe:P. Great work. ;)
  4. Vey beautiful and controlled chest voice. But honestly that head voice sounds without power at all for my ear. I know that kamelot is tough stuff but you doing it great). Just a little bit practice on that head. It sounds like you really can controll it but didnt find the suitable tone yet.
  5. The distortion is a bit power metal. Very Cool and its good that you are not using your throat to sing it, so it has a controlled sound. I really want to hear some clean stuff from you. I bet you have a really high voice.;)
  6. Hello everyone, its my first vocal cover ever. I didnt work on this track very hard, so its more like a practice. I transposed the song half step down because the part at end its pretty hard to sing. Also skipped some 2nd chorus.In a week I suppose, Ill re-record full version. So please subscribe and have a nice day.
  7. Really great job. Sound nice, good tembre, also wanted to ask is it a dry signal or did u use comp/effects on it? Thx
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