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  1. Seems like it's a subtle change in resonance that occurs naturally for the majority of people but not for me. The change occurs around middle C, C4. As a result, I'm having trouble singing in the C4-F4 area, whereas F#4 to about Bb4 is relatively easier. I've found this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArTvK1STVHw and at 3:43 he talks exactly about my issue. I've tried doing the slides and this is what I got : http://vocaroo.com/i/s0Z4VP0ODrcc Here I manage to stay connected but with a rather light sound http://vocaroo.com/i/s0uwsLQUT62R Here is another one, louder and with a more than audible break Besides this siren exercise, I also came across the goo exercise that also allows my voice to be connected as you can hear here : http://vocaroo.com/i/s1tcgxUmKqHV So my questions are, first of all is it ok for me to rely on these 2 exercices to be able to make that break totally disappear ? Should I stop looking for a big sound, or maybe am I trying to achieve it the wrong way, not relying enough on resonance ? Is there any other exercise that could help me regarding this issue (such as pharyngeal maybe) ? Thanks a lot to whoever takes the time to help !
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