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  • Review My Singing Membership

What do you think about it? 

It's one of my favourite queensryche song....


  • Administrator

Hello Danilo, great to see you in here and good to see your taking your training seriously by getting professional feedback.

- Another good Italian singer... !  You should be singing... it needs work, but you have the "pipes" to be a good singer... 

- Find an application that can slow down the bed track, without changing the pitch. There are serveral apps. that do this. One I recommend is called "capo" and you can get it for Mac/iPhones... its awesome.  Drop the bed track into the app. and slow it down about 1/4 speed.  Then begin working on your parts at a slower speed so that you can...

1. Clean up the intonation... its pitchy and needs to be cleaned up. Always, work on not scooping into the onsets and "tailing" down on the offsets. All singers do this sometimes and its the firs thing you need to do to fix your intonation. That alone, will make a BIG improvement.

2. Your tone is a bit quacky and bright. You may have a bright voice naturally which is fine, but I am not convinced that it has to be THAT bright. You need to work on techniques inside your copy of The Four Pillars of Singing , that add warmth to your color, that would be:

a. Work on dampening or slightly lowering your larynx more.

b. Sing with more Sob/Cry in everything you do. It warms the sound and it slightly lowers the larynx as well (a)... this will help in a big way.

c. Tune your formants ( sound colors ) with more /ou/, /uh/, /aw/ ishness... this is a generality. The exact tuning will depend on your unique voice, but mixing in these colors to what you already have going , a lot of /eh/ and /a/ "cat"... will help. Remember with singing vowels, your not trading one for the other!!  It is not, "give me /ou/ and take away /eh/"... you are ADDING TO the existing sound color "chemistry".  As a TVS student, you know what that means.  Review the lectures on "The Sound Colors of Singing".


... going after QR songs huh?.... That takes big nuts... good job!  

Welcome to the family... the techniques Geoff Tate trained are the exact same workouts you have in your TVS course... Geoff Tate and I had the same voice coach...as you may already know.


  • TMV World Member

Danizzz,  u did a great job.  U have very balanced voice with good quality.  Rob is right, you have the natural placement to build a great voice. 

  • 4 months later...
  • Review My Singing Membership

Thanks Robert and thanks Rufus,


There is a strange thing happening to me.

After 1 song in high key my voice start to distort and become hoarse. What do you think is the problem.

Which exercise of the program do you suggest?

5 hours ago, Danizzz said:

Thanks Robert and thanks Rufus,


There is a strange thing happening to me.

After 1 song in high key my voice start to distort and become hoarse. What do you think is the problem.

Which exercise of the program do you suggest?

Making more use of Sob vocal mode on higher notes will help you sing those notes without pushing or having to get loud. Also adding more curbing acoustics in general will relieve extra tension because you won't be compressing as much as you currently are. Another thing that may help is a type of Messa di Voce, but I actually adapted it from Contract & Release. On those high notes, sing it in light-mass but resonant head voice at first (reinforced falsetto, if you can), then turn on the TA only enough to be in a stable mixed resonance. Once you're there, amplify forward vowel resonance while opening your vertical embouchure a bit more to tilt the voice a bit forward (a bit twang, a bit edging, a bit vowel modification to /a/). This process put you into a belt vocal mode by stepping you through sob and a little dampening before adding twang. The end result is a solid belt sound color without needing to be loud or add extra tension.

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