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Aces High - Iron Maiden - please critique

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hello, singing folks!

I tried many different approaches for this song. I did alot of experimenting, tried alot of crying, less crying, tried rasp - mainly on the lower higher notes, on the really high notes i found myself sscreaming when i added grit, and i sang without rasp. I also tried some harmonies on the prechorus and the chorus. It was a little disturbing that the backing track had background vocals on the chorus so i added an acapella file as well for you to really hear my voice. I also appreciate if someone with mixing skills could give me some advice how i could make the recording more alive, i find it alittle dull. I sing in a small closet. But the most important thing is of course my singing ability in this song.

Thanx in advance/ Ola



  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thats an insanely tough one

You did a great jobs on the verses

i think the harmony is off in places .......but otherwise very impressive man

that chorus is very difficult and you nailed it.


  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanx for your answer, Chavie!

I think my voice sounds more strained than yours, i try to sing in curbing or with a very compressed sound all the way up to those D5´s but i know i am not there yet.

  • TMV World Legacy Member

This song is tougher then the one i sang, "run to the hills" only has a E5 in the chorus.

This tune constantly is in the D5 area, Its pretty crazy actually

i thought you did a good great job, this song is a nightmare for highs.

Can't give you much advice for improvement ,as im just beginning to learn the terminology.

But if you can sing this with confidence id doubt there is too many hard rock/metal tunes you wouldn't be able to sing.


  • TMV World Legacy Member

I find that I agree with Chavie. The harmonies were off and a bit distracting. Could link a version with just the single melody line in the chorus. I think you were on the mark with the lead vocal line and the harmony tracks kind of clouded things over. And you definitely have the right voice for this song.

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hi Olem,

I had meant to post in this thread but somehow forgot to before I posted my own version of this song. Great effort my friend! I know how tough this track is and in a lot of places your voice suits it really well. The harmonies, as you know are off in places. I'm pretty sure mine are all over the place too. Other than just figuring out what notes to sing, I can hear a lot of potential in your voice for this type of singing dude! Never stop learning and experimenting vocally. You rocked buddy! :cool:


  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanx, for your kind words Mike. I can hear the harmonies sound a little strange, i will redo them. It´s great to have you here, Mike, i hope you don´t take time-outs anymore :). The metal dudes in this forum need your advice and knowledge.

  • TMV World Legacy Member

My pleasure Olem, but I'm not sure how much advice I'm able to give. I'm still learning all this technical stuff myself!


  • 2 weeks later...
  • TMV World Legacy Member

Ok, so i recorded the chorus once again. I am not pleased with it but i can´t put my fingers on what is wrong. Bad support, wrong vowels, too much pushing, more twang, well, maybe you guys could help me. It´s acapella so it´s more easy to hear and nothing added, just pure voice.


I also have the beginning of another setup:


  • TMV World Legacy Member

Sounds like you're either overdoing the hold/cry or pushing a bit too much. Can you try to use less hold/cry and/or perhaps less volume? Note that this might cause you to temporarily lose the slight rasp you have but I think it will be worth it in order to build a better sound upon.

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thank you again for your advice, Jon, i will try it.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanx, clirma, i loved your maiden clip, keep ém coming.


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