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Original prog rock track "Emerald Sea"

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

A viking saga... "Emerald Sea"

All constructive criticism welcome :)


George can often be found playing electric stringy things, and singing... [url=https://soundcloud.com/george-williams-8]and then this happens[/url]

  • TMV World Legacy Member

I just updated the link above, now the final mix.

George can often be found playing electric stringy things, and singing... [url=https://soundcloud.com/george-williams-8]and then this happens[/url]

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks Ron, when I was growing up I was always a fan of rock epics such as Xanadu (Rush) and Stargazer (Rainbow), and now I've been part of creating one!

The spoken the prolog was a challenge. I had to speak it in my singing voice, which is very different to how I would normally speak. Does that make sense?


George can often be found playing electric stringy things, and singing... [url=https://soundcloud.com/george-williams-8]and then this happens[/url]

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks, Jugulator. :)

George can often be found playing electric stringy things, and singing... [url=https://soundcloud.com/george-williams-8]and then this happens[/url]

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks Ron, when I was growing up I was always a fan of rock epics such as Xanadu (Rush) and Stargazer (Rainbow), and now I've been part of creating one!

The spoken the prolog was a challenge. I had to speak it in my singing voice, which is very different to how I would normally speak. Does that make sense?


Yes. In opera, it is called recitative and it's not as easy as it sounds. For you must literally speak like you sing.

And I have also liked epic songs. Songs that were sagas set to music. Uriah Heep would do that with such songs as "Stealin" and "July Morning."

According to Richard Cole, tour manager for Led Zeppelin during their 12 year run, Robert Plant was sitting by the fireplace writing the lyrics to "Stairway to Heaven" as an ode to the quest for spiritual perfection and even then, Jimmy Page knew it would be big, epic.

So, good on you, and blessings and I think you should think about writing a concept album, even if they are a bit dated. You can still sell each song digitally, of course.


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