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New Mic woo hoo! INXS - Never Tear Us Apart

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hey People!!

Just got a new mic today and quickly wanted to put something down before it got too late for my poor neighbours :rolleyes:

Apologies for a couple of dodgey chord changes at the start and end, I only had the one take but i'd still love to get some feedback on the likes and dislikes




  • TMV World Legacy Member

Nice!! Awesome singing. What did u get for a mic?


  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks Keith, I picked up a SE Electronics SE2200a, really just a cheap made in china mic, but i've been hearing alot about it over the last few months so thought it was worth a punt.

Not had too much of a chance to play with it yet but i do quite like it so far.



  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks for taking the time to listen Tommy....and comment too of course :D



  • TMV World Legacy Member

That was awesome dude! Love that kind of music! At times I could hear little flavors of Chris Robinson. You have a very emotive voice and fits the music perfect.

  • TMV World Legacy Member

big complement there Quincy as i am a big Black Crowes fan. even if you only heard a tiny bit of that im my sound its good enough for me.




  • TMV World Legacy Member

If you ever get in the mood, I would love to hear you do a Black Crowes song. :cool: Love hearing your interpretations.

"She talks to Angels" would be at the top of my list... but I like it all!


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