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Original tune - "My ct & ta"

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

In a sudden rush of energy I wrote this song, it's about the hard conflicts for aspiring singers, particularly regarding the relations between the CT and the TA. It also reflects on popular paradoxes such as am I a bass or a baritone when I can twang my epiglottis funnel.

Music written, performed and mixed by me. I must have spent a whole 5-10 minutes on this.


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

In all seriousness - I think that contained some very, very good singing! Some parts will get better with more training since I know you haven't been doing these type of techniques for a long time, but you have a great sense of melody and feel and your sound is very good on the low notes and quite often on the high notes as well. Golf clap!

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  • TMV World Legacy Member


Yes in all seriousness I found my "head voice" about six months ago and it's been a tough road improving but I'm at a point now where things are starting to get better and can actually sing some stuff.

Singing low is all I've done basically since I started singing two years ago so naturally that sound is much more polished than the high part of my voice, which is still new.

Will keep working on it and I've been speaking to a major recording label about releasing this as a single so stay tuned on that!

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