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Bring Him Home

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

My version of Bring Him Home from Les Miserables. I haven't seen the film but been to see the stage production several times and this is always the stand out song for me.

Here is my effort anyway https://soundcloud.com/#eljaywin/05-bring-him-home

Feedback appreciated.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thank You Felipe. I am not sure why the link didn't work. I have made sure I logged out and checked it still landed on the right page and it appears to. At least you were able to figure it out!

It is an awkward one to sing as if you ever hear them do it on the stage they mix bits of falsetto in there but the high notes aren't really all that high - dynamics also should play a big part so I need to improve on that.

Thanks again for the comments.

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el jay just to clear this, I dont mean in the sense of "low pitch" or "low dynamics", more regarding your comfort than anything else.

To me the energy is comming quite cool, just asking if its comfortable, in the sense of physical comfort, :)

Again sounds quite cool. Other recordings you have there are quite nice too.

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