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Andrew Lloyd Webber's Pie Jesu

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hi everyone.

I'm getting my Pie Jesu out just in time for Easter. I filmed the footage of St. Gervais Cathedral when we went there after my Switzerland concert. I gave it a little of my own Operatic flavor. I hope you like it.


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Now, I get a chance to sound like an opera buff.

Many is the time that I would spend the day in a 4 foot deep trench, installing electrical pipe. Dealing with rough characters and rough language. The smell of diesel fumes from construction vehicles. The smell of petrified bovine waste, usually working in what was formerly a pasture for cows. Non-stop mariachi music from my co-workers who have immigrated from the south to work here in America. Working for a supervisor who thought it was his mission in life to offend every single person he ever met. And he was a success at that.

The escape at the end of the day was to put in my Sarah Brightman cd and hear this. So, that is the performance I am most familiar with.

You did a great job and your voice is still young. I want to hear it 20 years from now, as your voice matures. It will be beyond awesome, I think.

That is, you did a great job, I'm just a stick in the mud because I think it suits an older voice of a more mezzo quality, which might be only my aesthetics.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Elena, I just don't get it. We have a forum with some regulars that supposedly know all about classical and opera singing and all you get is one comment from a redneck dirtbunny like me?

I think I find that equally amazing to your singing.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

If you know Sarah Brightman then your not as much of a Redneck as you think. :)

As for dirtbunny ....... what's a dirtbunny? haha

Thanks. Even as a redneck, my workmate, Lee, and I would quote Shakespeare to each other.

"To be, or not to be? That is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to glue one more stick of pipe together ..."

Dirtbunny was our term for ditch diggers, such as ourselves. In electrical work, some of the pipe or conduits are installed below the level of the ground. Which requres a lot of digging. A LOT of digging. Hence, dirtbunny.

Sarah Brightman is my favorite singer, hands down, even more so than my favorite rock singer, Robert Plant.

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