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Alice in Chains Would? cover

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

That was eeery. A slightly Layne look, a slightly Layne sound. Your voice is just a little lighter than his.

Some of your notes ended sooner but I was wondering if that was just your artistic interpretation. Nothing wrong with that, if that is what you were intending. Nice, solid ee sound.

I think your voice suits this song.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Very enjoyable. One thing you could work on is some vowel modification. You are splatting the higher notes a bit. Otherwise, good job!


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I dig it! I agree about the vowel modification. It's not that the vowels are wrong or bad, but If your vowels are more fluid, your air is more fluid and your sound doesn't break. Also, it seems like Layne depending on the day, often used just a little extra air to cushion himself when he sang. It can be hard to hear because his voice was really resonant. I hear you doing this, but you don't always seem to maintain it when and where you need it.

Both these things can help it flow more. Those are just suggestions. Really, there isn't a whole lot I can think of that could make this better.

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