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Please help me with my singing

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hi, i can hear some nasality, moderate pitch problems, somewhat strainy but you have a very nice color. I am begginer too so i don't know how to help you and what my opinion is worth, if you can afford and you are serious about it, take some vocal lessons, if not - like me - videos can be great help.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I personally watch Phil's Moufarrege videos, i don't say they are the best or whatever, i find them to be more all-round and spot on according to my needs. There are other teachers such as Eric Arceanaux, Brett Manning, Mark Baxter and of course Robert Lunte who i almost forgot, to name only a few... if you start watching all of them you will probably spend the next couple of years trying to find whats correct or whats best, my advice watch few from each to understand their style of teaching and personality and follow the one you like.

Also important, dont nesescerily expect to understand what you see, ive watched literally hundrends of videos from nearly a dozen coaches and after two/three years i happen to watch the video again and now i understand what they are doing. I dont agree what Michael Jackson says in "Give in to me", but for this situation it fits,translated as trust:

Don't try to understand me

Just simply do the

Things I say


I have no intend to advertise one coach over another, good luck, patience and hard work will bring you results!

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