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Trying again Soundcloud failure

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I kind of like it mdew, but it can improve. What I would work is this:

The first phrases, you want her, you need her, new day brakes, your mind aches, etc... - Try to kind of speak it in pitch, instead of singing. And then you start singing normally on the next phrase:

bla bla, bla

bla bla, bla

nanana nah, nananah


On these parts:


1 On her eyes you see nothing,

2 No sign of love behind the tears

1 Cried for no one

2 A love that should have lasted years"

The numbers there correspond to this:

On 1, use more legatto and connected, ino what you are already doing;

On 2, you change it, mark more on the beat and give small pauses, its not really stacatto, but define each word well on time to give the idea of pulsing with the beat. This you are not doing, so the whole chorus does not have the variation necessary to create tension and release.

Also, when you end on years, because of the harmonic structure of the song, if you sustain it like you are doing it sounds a bit weird. I would advise a short and kind of "tired" way to do it, this way you hit the pitch and let it glide down. Not something necessary, its not wrong, but it sounds a bit of, if not, just make sure you end the word a bit before you articulate the next chord on the guitar.

Technique can improve but I can see that you are not braking anymore when doing it. For this song, I think if you concentrate on articulating the words well it will come nice.

Hope it helps in someway, this one is close to call it a complete study.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks Felipe. :) I am glad that soundcloud finally started working again. I had to delete my account and make a new one. :o twice. :/

Good advice. I never think of those things. Too much concentrating on getting the words correct. :rolleyes:

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

And like I said in the email, when you could not get soundcloud to work, watch the vowels. Use ah or eh, rather than the short a that we actually use when we say black or cat or any similar word. Your ee is really good.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thank you for those tips. In working on other songs ,after you emailed me, I started to pay more attention to the overtones rather than the actual words or vowels. Sometimes it is the harmonics that ceate the vowel that is pulling the pitch OFF one way or the other. I need to tune those in a little better.


"You need a strong foundation to reach the heights."

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thank you for those tips. In working on other songs ,after you emailed me, I started to pay more attention to the overtones rather than the actual words or vowels. Sometimes it is the harmonics that ceate the vowel that is pulling the pitch OFF one way or the other. I need to tune those in a little better.


Exactly. And sometimes hanging in the middle of a dipthong creates the "illusion" of being off pitch.

When we say the a in black or eye while speaking, it is quick, transitory. When we want to sing it, we are trying to elongate that sound, such as the letter I or the word eye, which is a shift from ah to ee and that is what trips up the sound in singing. So, it is better to pick one of the vowels in the dipthong and emphasize the one or the other, but not both.

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