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  • TMV World Legacy Member

So I posted this on youtube with a video to it (just took me ages...) :3

I did some thing different with it, also, I sing it in Swedish. The lyrics are written by Jan-Ã…ke Rickard.

Please listen with an open mind :3

I tried to sing lighter, more tenor-like here.

(Anecdote; I McGyver'd the pop filter :>)

Best Regards

  • TMV World Legacy Member

I like the swedish version of this song. I think you did a righteous thing, here.

You want to talk MacGuyver? I've done a bit of redneck engineering and so has my brother. In fact, one of the reasons he sold his old place and is buying another place is so that he can build a proper studio space, rather than an altered bedroom. And some real engineering when he was asking me about methods of getting power to a detached building from the house.

Anyway, I liked what you did, here.

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks. Plenty of goosenfrabe for you in there I reckon ;D

"Redneck engineering", why does that make me think of a father and his brother/son, both named Cletus, hammering nails into electric outlets? xP

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks. Plenty of goosenfrabe for you in there I reckon ;D

"Redneck engineering", why does that make me think of a father and his brother/son, both named Cletus, hammering nails into electric outlets? xP

Comedian Jeff Foxworthy "You know you are a redneck if ..." once said it best:

Most redneck fatalities start with the phrase - "Hold my beer; watch this ..."

His list of qualifiers usually follows this form:

If you mow the front lawn and find more than one vehicle, you might be a redneck.

If you recycle margarine containers to be used as salad bowls, you might be a redneck. (I have done that.)

If both your dog and your wallet are on chains, you might be a redneck.

If your idea of collectible fine art is the dinner plate set with pictures of Dale Earnhardt (NASCAR legend, RIP), you might be a redneck.

I used to know pagans who came up with their variations:

If your ceremonial platter is the hubcap from a '66 Ford Mustang, you might be a pagan redneck.

If your ceremonial wine came in a box, you might be a pagan redneck.

If your athame (ceremonial knife, not actually used for anything) has a four inch blade and folds up (Buck is a popular brand), you might be a redneck.

My wife has done some redneck engineering. Several years ago, she had foot surgery and had to walk on crutches for a while. I would leave her a little cooler in the morning with water and snacks. She had a piece fo cord and tied it from the cooler to the bottom of the crutch so that she could drag it with her.

The guys at work take a piece of IMC (intermediate metal conduit) and make a sleeve to go over the side of the shovel they usually stomp on. It saves wear and tear on the feet. They dig an average of 300' a day, at 18" deep.

I used to keep a piece of 1 inch conduit to use as a "cheater bar" to turn wrenches to tighten something. But, since it came from the formula that T= fL (torque equals force times length of moment arm), I got snotty and labeled it Ron's Torque Magnifier. Lost that one, made another and labeled it Ron's second torque magnifier. Lost that one. Made another and labeled it "Ron's Torque magnifier to replace the other ones he lost." Which took up quite a bit of space, actually.


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