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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hey guys, I've been practicing as hard and often as I can on my vocals, trying to make it one voice from top to bottom, trying to avoid straining and "chest pulling" as well. This is my second post on this section, and it is one-take recording on my cellphone at the kitchen with me strumming the acoustic guitar. I would really like all the criticism, tips and advices, and your impressions on the voice quality as well. I am a little confused if I'm using too much cry or twang. Many thanks in advance guys! Cheers!

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hi, Had a look at your clip. Well done!! some good singing here...From the technical point of view, its great to here that you are working on blending the registers. How long have you been working on that? I cant say that I'am hearing too much cry but just be a little careful not to try to "create" a sound. It can be a little difficult when singing a very well known song. Well done, Personally, I particularly like the higher parts of the song :-)

Laura O'Sullivan LTCL

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Many thanks for the kind words Singinglessonsonline. It makes really happy you think it is good stuff. I've been working on my vocals for about 2 years. Had 2 vocal teachers for a few months who taught me the very basics, but never did anything to make me release the weight of my voice so I could access my higher register. I've been learning and working by myself for the last year, as I could not afford lessons anymore, and realized those teachers could not teach me what I wanted to sing rock. But only very recently (2 months ago) I had this breakthru, and started to release weight and reach my higher notes on a more consistent way. I try to practice every night at my kitchen with my guitar, but sometimes I can't, and take a 2-3 nights break.

I am not trying to create a sound, just afraid of using too much twang or cry, and sound too whiny. Also, I was not trying to sound like Axel Rose, which I don't, as probably I'm not using too much twang?!

Well, thanks again for taking the time and the kind words, which are very encouraging to me. :D

  • TMV World Legacy Member

I don't know about the cry but I liked your vowels. Including how you used oo for "door" on the lower run, to give some softness and intimacy in that part.

Good stuff.

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Many thanks for the kind words Singinglessonsonline. It makes really happy you think it is good stuff. I've been working on my vocals for about 2 years. Had 2 vocal teachers for a few months who taught me the very basics, but never did anything to make me release the weight of my voice so I could access my higher register. I've been learning and working by myself for the last year, as I could not afford lessons anymore, and realized those teachers could not teach me what I wanted to sing rock. But only very recently (2 months ago) I had this breakthru, and started to release weight and reach my higher notes on a more consistent way. I try to practice every night at my kitchen with my guitar, but sometimes I can't, and take a 2-3 nights break.

I am not trying to create a sound, just afraid of using too much twang or cry, and sound too whiny. Also, I was not trying to sound like Axel Rose, which I don't, as probably I'm not using too much twang?!

Well, thanks again for taking the time and the kind words, which are very encouraging to me. :D

I'm sorry you haven't had much luck with singing teachers but its great your making progress on your own. when you speak about releasing weight, i'am guessing your talking about not carrying the chest voice up too high, this is a good idea. The passaggio is a tricky area and needs time to develop. I have students singing everything from opera to singer/songwriter stuff and i'd just like to say that essentially the principals of good singing apply to all genres :-)

Even though I sing classical music, I can also sing folk...and I dont believe that any one genre is "better" then the other....Rock singing is a perfectly valid type of expression. best of luck to you.

Laura O'Sullivan LTCL

  • TMV World Legacy Member

I don't know about the cry but I liked your vowels. Including how you used oo for "door" on the lower run, to give some softness and intimacy in that part.

Good stuff.

Many thanks for the kind words Ronws!:cool:

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