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Vocal Issue- Please Help kind people:)

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I always find that after I've been singing for about 20 minutes my jaw is a little tense and my throat may be a bit raspy. I'm pretty sure I'm doing proper breaths, and as far as I know I'm getting proper support from the diaphragm(although I do feel a bit of tension in the throat while singing, but it seems like the resonance is focused in my head at the front of my mouth which is good). This sounds ridiculous but my main concern is whether or not my tongue is the problem. My tongue is a little longer than most, I can touch the bottom of my nose with it easily; I'm curious to know if its length could be hindering my singing. -I know this sounds ridiculous haha, but is there tongue warm ups or any training I can do to release more tension?

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Without being able to see you and hear you, it will be difficult to help you.... Do you warm up? When you warm up, do you sing loud or soft? Do you drink a gallon of water every day? Do you smoke?


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I didn't drink a lot of water before, but I'm getting better now. I don't smoke, and I only do some basic warm ups that I've learned-mainly some lip trills, but only recently have I been getting good at them. Here's a recording I did a little back https://soundcloud.com/monkeyman103/the-highway-is-my-home-will-hoge-cover

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I don't think it has anything to do with the length of the tongue or anything. It's probably just the tension of the tongue that many of us have needed to learn how to avoid. When doing scales and when singing, try to avoid that tension as much as you can.

Put your tongue against your hard palate and opan and close the jaw while not moving the tongue at all. It will help to isolate the different parts of your mouth.

Then to that movement you can add a humming on "ng" to further complicate the exercise. Whatever helps you play with isolation will be fruitful.

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