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There is a light that never goes.. sang by me..

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hey everybody. Here is a link with me trying to sing this tune-->http://picosong.com/PHfu ! Its very short, because I didn't want to make a cover, just to hear what you people have to say about my voice! I have posted my demos before here, but now has passed some time, so maybe smth has changed? I don't like how it sounds, does it still is airy? Because I try to sing with my diaphram! Is there pitch problems? What should I work on the most?

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hi! I add one more demo in hope that somebody will answer!! http://picosong.com/Pdz5. I would like someone to tell if it is off key or off pich, also as I don't like how my voice sounds, maybe someone can recognize why it is so? Is it too loud or airy? Anyway, every input I will gladly receive!

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