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The Wizard and I

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hi everyone! So I am 15 years old and an aspiring actor/singer, so I would like some advice and tell me how I'm doing on this song. It's called "The Wizard and I" from Wicked, and I have not received any professional training besides choral teachers. (Sorry for my bad mic)

You can listen to it here:

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

LOTS of great potential here! Nice voice. Great articulation. Definitely record with a better mic. It's tough to hear some of the finer details with the quality of the sound that you posted.

The best thing to work on right now is breath support. You probably didn't want to hear that because I'm sure you hear it all the time from your choral teacher and you might have been hoping to hear something more interesting. But I can't emphasize enough how getting really good, solid fundamental breath management will improve the quality of your sound ten fold!!! Don't get me wrong. You have a great sound. But this one little fix of breath management will enhance what you already do really well. And by "little fix," I really mean that you'll be working on breath management for your entire singing career - just like all singers do.

Upon initial listening to your recording, some of the words jump out of context because of where they lie in the phrase, where they lie in your voice, or because you are emphasizing those words. But that's really just a secondary fix to the main fix: breath support. When you solidify your breath support, the phrases will be more consistent throughout.

There is also a little bit of tension in your vibrato such that the vibrato sounds almost fabricated. Vibrato is a natural function of good vocal fundamentals with (I'll say it again) good breath support. You have potential for a really nice vibrato.

Here's my article with 7 tricks for better breath support: http://www.theaspiringsinger.com/betterbreathsupport/

Give it a look. I hope it helps! :)

The Aspiring Singer
Resources and inspiration for aspiring singers - from beginners to professionals
Twitter: @theaspiringsing

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Aspiring has some good points, though, in my opinion, you mainly could change your phrasing to be a little more on the beat. And I am NOT an expert of theater singing.

Off topic, Aspiring, I was looking at your website and giggled when I read the blog about "what do you look like?"

I look like 50 miles of bad road. People let me sing out of fear. :lol:

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