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Nick Drake Parasite Rendition- Critique :)

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Parts of this sounded jumbled. Watch your diction, most of the time I didn't know what you were saying/singing- which is another thing. A lot of this sounded spoken or just phonated rather than sung. The parts that were sung didn't show much of your voice in terms of range or dynamics. The singing was mostly melodic, but it didn't quite feel like a "song". But in the part of your range that is shown, there is a nice rasp. The folk style you're going for is interesting too, though this doesn't really sound cohesive. I'd want to hear more of your voice with a different song.

"The journey in between what you once were and who you are now becoming is where the dance of life really takes place."
-B. De Angelis

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks a lot for the input man I appreciate it :), yah I guess I was trying to get a more airy sound similar to the lead singer from Gomez(here's the feeling I was trying to go for, but didn't do very well at haha


How about this song that I wrote...do you think this better suits me(not the best recording because I recorded really late at night)

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

It sounds like you are using a similar style to the Gomez song, the only difference is there is more range and dynamics in that song, and it has more musicality. It just makes more sense to the ear and feels more genuine.

The second recording sounds a lot more convincing and melodic. You seemed more connected to the lyric, and it shows in your phrasing and tone. I liked it a lot more. It came together more successfully than the first recording. The first thirty seconds or so and from 1:47 to 2:00 were really nice.

"The journey in between what you once were and who you are now becoming is where the dance of life really takes place."
-B. De Angelis

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks man I agree the style really works well with Gomez, but it doesn't seem very authentic with me. I guess I need to work on becoming a little more genuine with my singing. Nick Drake's style is my greatest admiration/aspiration for music. I really adore that almost soft, passive method of singing, but I'm not innate or endowed with that kind of voice...I feel my voice is more on the aggressive side, which can clash with what I like to play. So I'm trying to find ways of perhaps softening my voice some or developing both style; however I don't think that's something I can do, because I would be working against what I was born with. I suppose you've been a mirror to me in some regards...I've finally had the opportunity to see myself artistically through someone. Maybe I should stop emulating and just try to become an artist, instead of asking to become one. Anyways here's one of favourite Nick Drake songs

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