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Walls of Time cover...feedback appreciated!

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

People in the prior thread were right. Your voice really fits well into a country themed tune. There is a richness in your lower register, you sound like you have a strong genuine baritone ish resonance down there. It resonates with more authority than my voice does, even if your resonators are less open. I'm a higher voice type.


You ever straight up tried Johnny Cash? I don't normally recommend him, as he is an icon and has a very powerful, effortless booming low register that makes me and most folks sound like a wuss, but it might be an interesting sound for your voice. I mentioned before your voice had a 'toughness, confidence, and composure' in your prior thread. Johnny has these qualities in spades, he could tell a a story and make you believe every bit of it. It could make you believe he had complete authority over the story.


If you were to explore this side of your voice, develop it, and take it to the next level. It could be really interesting. It's good to hear you, regardless.

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