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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hi Folks.  

I sang this is my college days nearly 13 years ago.  I sang it that time before knowing that something called "head voice" existed.  I am a much more knowledgeable about singing.  


I have long wanted to cover this song.  This is a single take.  So there are few instances where i am not bang on the center of the note and some places where I run out of breath.  At some level I like the authenticity of a live performance, which is the kind of singing I am training myself for.  This is a very difficult song for me and sits smack on my passagio.  I always seem to get into trouble singing "For tonaaayt, Ahell sleeep on a baaaaaaaad'onaaaaaaayls".  I have used a lighter onset singing that particular line, hopefully it does not distort the colour of the tone




Thank you for your feedback.  

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I liked it. You have a cleaner voice than Jon but it works for this song. I like how you mixed it, too. As I have noticed before, you already have enough brightness in your voice and mixing the values kind of neutral helps you sound more natural.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I liked it.

But I think you still need to dial down the nasality, which is most noticeable when you come back from the solo "now as you close your eyes, know I'll be thinking about you..."

Also, when you sing the 2nd line of the chorus "for tonight I sleep on a bed of nails", Bed of nail sounds a bit shoutty, but not bad. 

Good job, keep on rocking!

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