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Cover - Paradise Lost by Symphony X (by Mivke)

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hey everyone!


I've been working on this cover for quite some time now, it's been very giving. Would love for some extra ears on it and if you have the time and will, please leave a comment. I will probably not rerecord this (at least not in a while) but critique is always welcome whatever it is :)




Thanks in advance and cheers!


P.S Will upload a picture asap :P

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Melodically this is a very hard song, so a great choice! I can't offer you any help because, as far as I can tell, you're on the right track! You're quite sour though, but given the difficulty and the number of vocal lines in the song I'm 100 % sure that you did way better than most people (including me)!  You did a great job!

What strikes me the most is the potential you have in your voice. There are times when your voice really shines through, and you demonstrate a really nice-souding voice! I mean, some people are born with a voice with a sound that will translate well into singing (almost like some people are born with a nice appearance); you seem to be one of them, and that takes you ahead of the game! I'd kill to have been born with a beautiful sound like that haha!

Keep this up!

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hey everyone, thanks so much for listening and commenting!


@Enander - Thanks alot for the comment! Indeed, there are quite a few sour parts but it's the best I could do at this point in time (and I didn't have it in me to redo it more :P). As you said, it's a very challanging melody line for me, but very rewarding to study :) If you have the time, could you say some examples on where you thought my voice sounded natural and better and some examples where it didn't so I know for the future?


@Olem - Thanks for listening bro. To be honest I only did one harmony (on the 2nd chorus but it's very quite and hard to hear :P). The rest is the backing track. Although I guess you could argue that my harmony over the backing track is decent? :P


@Magicka Singer - Thanks alot for the kind words :) So nice that the emotion got through, I find it hard to maintain that connection when you work on a song for a long time and you do it over and over again.


@Elvis - Thanks man! Give it a month and you will do it better already, don't think your progress is unnoticed :P

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

To sing hard songs without any flaws is something best left to the virtuousos :P So don't think so much about it! Haha!

Generally, your "ee" och "oo"(?)-sounds are great (words like "gleaming", "betray", "beauty", "day" and "you", "true"). The vocal line "mystified by her beauty. Does the hunter pity his prey?" sounds really nice in regards to timbre, and gives me an opportunity to come with a few pointers:

1. When singing "does" use vibrato! You're a bit sour on that note, but by using vibrato you will negate it. Vibrato is a nice way of masking a sour note :D At the same time, from a compositional point of view I can see why you kept it straight, seeing as the other sustained notes in the phrase was sung with vibrato. Unfortunately, technical restrictions and artistic freedom counter each other.

2. "piTy". As a fellow swede I feel your pain haha, but it's supposed to be pronunced somehwere between t and d. Swenglish is a bit of a problem through-out the song, but I have the same problem. I can't sing words like "pity" correctly either. Bork bork bork!

The whole chorus sounds very nice as well, with the exception of "paradise" which sounds like it constains a bit of vocal fry. Sure, it's hair-splitting and nitpicky, but then you might understand how nice you sound when I say you sound "very nice" :D
You've got a warm typical "I'm in a professional band selling thousand of albums"-voice, which probably turn a lot of people green with envy (me included). You remind me of Daniel Gildenlöw; the vocalist of Pain of salvation.

Lastly, your distortion is not there yet, and your high notes sound strained, but in the grand scheme of things that's nothing. It will come with practice.
However, from my personal, non-professional experience, I've found that distortion and range go hand in hand. By applying a nice amount of distortion on a high note you're able to create the illusion that it's an easy note. BUT, I'm no vocal coach (and have never even visited one) so I think you should take this with a grain of salt. It might conjure a thought process about it at least :)

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