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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Man!  Your voice has a very similar timbre to Steve on the higher range, it sounds very smooth and creamy, while having the brightness of the twang.

The only thing I would tell you, is that on the first two phrases "lights" and "go" where a bit flat. This is probably because you did the small scoop up from a slightly "darker" vowel in lights, and you started "go" with the same setup. I think if you twanged the AH/UH of "lights" and "go" a bit more it would be easier, and you would be spot on with the pitch :) 
On "sun" it happens the same but it is almost imperceptible, but "shines" is very good, as it is a "flatter" AH, a bit brighter.( I like to use imagery like this with my vowels haha  "flat" as in the back of the throat and mouth more flat. Two dimensional... well, sorry for the rambling, haha )

Now, all that is nitpicking really, because I know you'd like to sing this material as perfect as you can. The complete performance was cool, I liked it a lot, man. Keep training and uploading stuff !:D 

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Great observations! I will give that a shot in the future. When I tracked it I only had time for 2 takes and that was the better one lol. I really try to work on my pitch because nothing ruins a vocal like wayward pitch haha. There are singers that just are naturally really good at staying on pitch I have to work at it quite a bit and those couple lines slipped through the cracks :59: I look forward to more of your singing Xamedhi, I have liked what you have put up on hear already.

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