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  • TMV World Member

a nice song

in any case being French singer I do not know what to advise .

a cover of Elton John !
I really loved
bravo ! good !
I like very much
  • TMV World Legacy Member

Sounds great Musikman.......Just an observation.....nothing wrong about it but I have noticed than on an extended EE(I) you tend to break it up with an H sound......

I only notice that because I have been called out on it myself..... You have a nice tight and focused voice.....Elton is more full and broad sounding.....This I mention because my own voice is more like Elton and I am wondering if it is from a Physical aspect or a Difference in Technique.......I just can't seem to tighten up my sound......I have noticed the same "Tightness" in some of the other members here.......Like KillerKu, Xamedhi and a few others......

Anyway great sound, and if it is from technique I have a lot of work to do.............

"You need a strong foundation to reach the heights."

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks for taking the time for a review MDEW. I think the tightness is probably just a more natural sound for me to produce although with curbing some vowels I can round it out a bit more but it is sorta like a fingerprint lol. I love Elton John and want to try some of his other songs soon. I will experiment with broadening my sound some more and see what I can come up with. Most of my singing on tunes that I am familiar with are just from memory and I don't do any A/B comparisons while I am working on the tracks. Maybe if I would compare earlier in the process I would get closer to the artist although maybe there is something said for giving it my own spin haha. BTW I have enjoyed your comments on many threads around here. You are very knowledgeable and very willing to share that info.

  • TMV World Legacy Member

    Thanks....I did not mention the comparison for you to change anything.....I have been trying to tighten up my own sound a bit just wondering whether to continue or accept things as they are.......I grew up with Elton and bands like the Eagles, Beatles and such where others have their influence from Dio, Glenn Hughes and Dickinson.  The difference in style is apparent but not sure whether genetics makes the difference or technique as far as over all sound characteristics.

"You need a strong foundation to reach the heights."

  • TMV World Legacy Member

I liked it. Funny thing, your sense of drama in the vocal reminded me of Meatloaf (Michael Aday.)

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks again ronws, I am also HUGE Meatloaf fan (hmmm, not sure if I made a joke there or not lol) I really am a fan of his early work on Bats 1 & 2. I have spent a lot of time singing Meatloaf songs so I am sure it has worked its way into the ol' subconscious haha. Again such a great compliment I really appreciate those kind words.

  • TMV World Legacy Member

That is awesome, as I also like Meatloaf. From the Bat albums and also from Rocky Horror Picture Show.

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