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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Was talking on msn with my friend Byron who just got back from touring (he is a bass player). We were discussing how many songs follow a typical 4 chord pattern of I - V - Vi - IV and I said I could probably apply that progression to any song "even psychosocial".

"Do it!" He replied. "Right now on your keyboard!"

So I did:


I completely ruined the heaviness of this song. This was purely a joke, but I thought I'd go ahead and upload it. It actually makes me laugh a bit! =]

Enjoy ;)

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Yeah, it's the same chord progression for a lot of songs, such as "With or without you" by U2. When I heard your intro, I was singing in my head "Slight of hand and twist of fate. On a bed of nails she makes me wait. And I'll wait .... for you."

Anyway, well done, even for a laugh.

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Exactly, Nathan. Some time ago, I did my version of "With or Without You" by U2 and this very group was mentioned in that thread.

  • TMV World Legacy Member

This video changed my whole 5 minutes :)

In terms of songwriting, it can be a great help to start with this typical 4 chord progression. Whether you keep that progression in the final song is personal choice> But it can be an excellent platform to begin with, especially when writing in new keys for the first time or coming up with lyrics (I'm somebody who writes lyrics easier when there is a melody to sing too).

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Once again, Nathan, right on the money. Do what successful people do. They do the same thing over and over in a way that is slightly different than other people. Any blues song or album will still sell today with the 12-bar boogie with the I - IV - V progression, even though others have worn that out on recordings since the 1930's and 40's. Same with this. As well as the melody and harmony Pachebel's Canon in D.

The only difference is what instruments you use, how you sing the melody, the song material, what color jacket you are wearing on the album cover.

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