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Find More of the Beauty of What You Love

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"Let the beauty of what you love be what you do"

- Rumi

As an image, live performance, and career coach for artists, my work has many levels. Please let me share with you some thoughts from a recent trip to Peru.

It was pure heart.

I had so many realizations from Spirit that it's hard to know where to begin to articulate it all. One of the biggest is that my life's work is meant to show others how to open the hearts of others. I'm here to share my path with you, so that you may get some inspiration or some thought that helps you along your own journey.

We all want to have a life of meaning. Somehow though, the "life" part of life often gets in the way. I've been back from Peru for nearly three weeks now and have yet to move forward with the clear vision that I received there.

Why is it so hard for us to simply "follow our bliss"?

Maybe it's because we are constantly being pulled away from our center. We turn on the news, we look at a billboard, we look down the street, and there it is - Drama. Human Drama. The drama of our minds. I've discovered that our center is not really a "mind" thing. It's a "heart" thing. The things that pull us away from our purpose are all issues of the mind, not the heart. Another way of putting this would be to say that all suffering occurs in the mind. Mostly, anyway. When you experience heartache, it may feel like your heart is breaking, but I would challenge you on that. How much of the ache is created by your own mind?

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately around Purpose. True Rockstars live a life of purpose, where they are clear on what they are here to do.

What does it mean to be in line with your soul's purpose in this lifetime? Or how about your soul's purpose this hour? We don't live in terms of a lifetime. We live right now. So how about your soul's purpose today? What is it? Do you know? Is your mission to touch someone with your art? Is it to help someone in a capacity of their business? Is it to affect the well-being of the people in your community? Is it to find freedom for yourself? Is it to be a contribution to others in some way?

If you get clear on your purpose, chances are, it will have something to do with AFFECTING OTHERS. We're really not here solely for our own benefit. This may seem contrary to the ego-centric, fast-paced life that most of us lead. But if you think about it, it's not just about you. It's about what you can give.

When are you most fulfilled?

Probably when you're helping others, whether that be a family member or the elderly lady to cross the street. Help others. How can you use your unique gifts to help others? That's really the million-dollar question, isn't it?

Can you deepen the work that you do so that it has a greater impact on people?

Do you need to transition from your current work to something else that would influence others in a more meaningful way?

How could you expand the scope of your current thinking to create a bigger vision for your life?

How can you open the hearts of others?

It is my ambitious purpose to help you find the answers to these questions.

So Join Me

Join me in my free upcoming video call where I'll be leading a discussion around these topics. I'll also perform a ten-minute coaching session with one lucky participant to help that person follow their bliss. If you're curious about how to expand your mind or your heart, then please feel free to join me. Here are the details:

The Rockstar in You Free Video Conference Call

Date: Tuesday, July 21st

Time: 7pm to 8pm, Eastern Standard Time

Link: http://videocallroom.oovoo.com/room/rockstarcoach/room/1

Once you click the link at 7pm on Tuesday, July 21st, you'll be joining a live video chat room, where you will see and hear me lead this one-hour workshop on how to let the beauty of what you love BE what you do.

Specifically, this free, live workshop will cover:

  • - How to find a more meaningful existence
  • - Ways to find your unique gifts
  • - How to transition to do more of the work that you long to do
  • - A masterful process of how to open the hearts of others
  • - Ways to create a bigger vision for your life
  • - And a whole lot more!

Please feel free to invite anyone that you care about!

I'd like to get an idea of how many people to expect on the call, so if you'd like to attend, please email me at john@rockstarinyou.com with RSVP in the subject line.

I hope to see you there!


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