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Musicianship & Professionalism

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 HI everyone and I'm new to the modern vocalist. I'm currently on a Lynyrd Skynyrd kick with a big taste for the Bellamy Brothers. Presently, I'm the bassist in a rock band in the Louisville vicinity. Tim is the leader of this coo band and he is a good friend.

e were all involved in another local band here in the Kentucky area (no names.) I played in this group for over a year as did the other members of the my current group. Tim filled in sometimes and ran sound (with all his own gear) for them until they dogged him out of a night's pay. That was the end of that!

Well, a big fight broke out with this old band and again, they displayed horrible musicianship in public. They have a seething reputation of starting fights, getting drunk and fussing among themselves. They smarted off to the young piano player who is only 17 years old. This kid can JAM and is a very nice fella. After the gig he was packing up and told them where to go, to paraphrase his sediment. The lead singer played Friday night but was angry and quit Saturday leaving the employer and everyone else hanging. How unprofessional is that?! Last year, when I was the bassist for them, I tried to quell the mayhem but to no avail. Now, they have disbanded and are angry with each other, full of hate and will not reunite. How childish!

It is so sad that such friends could bitterly part company and destroy a wonderful avocation. Yes, it's hard playing in smoke filled bars, with little pay and less recognition but this band could ROCK and had a very good group aside from the controversy. It brings to mind the most famous break ups in history like the Eagles, Simon & Garfunkel, Ike & Tina, Led Zeppelin, and perhaps the most famous of all, the Beetles. Most musicians eventually reunite even if it is just for a performance or a tribute tour. The Eagles put their egos in check and continued the marvelous entertainment. I recently saw Simon & Garfunkel on TV singing "Bridge Over Troubled Water." Given enough time, I'm sure the Beetles would have performed again eventually.

Alabama has been one of the most successful country acts in history. Many years ago, they made an agreement to not quit abruptly. They were in it for the long term gratification and not just for a few hours of glory. I wish my old friends would learn these lessons about mature musicianship. Good bye my friends and I hope someday you can move past and find peace in your talent.


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