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Possitive Affirmations: Do They Apply in Music?

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Of course they do. Possitive affirmations apply in any area of life we wish to improve. Think of how easy it is to believe things about ourselves that are negative related to music: "I can't sing", "My kids tell me I suck", "I don't sound good", "People tell me to stop singing."

Whether these things are true or not, we'll believe them because we've heard them. You don't necessarily have to believe something consciously for it to become a subconscious belief. Hearing it enough times programs the brain to believe it, and for us to act on those beliefs.

Nancy is my student who struggles with a lack of positive affirmations. So we made a list things she could say to herself that she doesn't necessarily believe yet, but that could help her rework the wiring in her brain. The list consisted of:

  • Of course I can sing
  • I sound great
  • Let's do it
  • Absolutely
  • I like the sound of my voice
  • People who criticize me don't mean to hurt me

Say these enough times, "act as if" you believe them, and they will start to penetrate. Don't expect miracles overnight. Repetition is the key to affirmations. Say them several times a day, including when you're about to begin singing. Over time, you may see a very positive change.

It's working for Nancy. She's more relaxed looking, which helps her voice to not tremble. The nerves, rather than her vocal competence, is what was causing the less than desirable trembling sound.


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