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Ten Foolproof Ways to a Chart Topping 2012

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A new year and 2012 to boot (more on that in an upcoming article!) is a GREAT opportunity to start where you are, make a solid commitment to your future, and get off to a jump start to a new and improved you in all aspects of your life and career. I LOVE the advent of the New Year and the great promise that lies ahead for each of us.

Time and time again I have used these simple and straight forward, yet incredibly powerful techniques, to forge ahead with effectiveness, clarity and velocity. I hope they help you to draw your dreams closer and make some of them come true.

Here they are:

  1. Start Where You Are. You can't move ahead if you don't start from where you are. Not acknowledging or accepting where you are keeps your vision clouded. It might suck, but knowing where you are helps you know the next step. To get to that next step listen to my free audio From Dreamer to Diva here.
  2. Commit. Commitment is the key to achieving anything. It all starts with a firm and solid commitment. When you commit fully, miracles happen (not overnight, but with time).
  3. Don't Compromise on the Big Stuff. Nothing great is born of compromise. Rejection is to be expected. You will be tested, you will be denied. It's ok listen to good advice, but don't compromise your values and goals.
  4. Make Lists and Goals. Anyone who has ever become famous or successful is a list keeper. Make 2012 the year you kept more lists and wrote down more goals than in prior years.
  5. Make a Plan. Once you get your Goals down on paper (one of your lists is your 1 & 3 year and lifetime goals download The Big Dream Formula Worksheet here my gift to you), then make a Plan for how to accomplish your Goals. (Reverse engineer it, as I say!)
  6. Calendar It In. Break down your goals into steps and a To Do List. Put the tasks on your calendar. This is where the rubber meets the road Period!
  7. Take Imperfect Action. Don't wait until the conditions are perfect. Ski the slope no matter what. You'll improve with practice. Note I said imperfect action not sloppy action. Be deliberate and prepare yourself- but get in motion.
  8. Love How It Is No Matter What. Don't wait to love your life dive in. The more you love How It Is, the easier it will grow to be what you want. Stress and tension push away success.
  9. Stay the Course. Never give up. This is how you become successful. Success is built on a gazillion tiny failures and a gazillion tiny successes.
  10. Tweak. Always readjust, improve, be willing to start over, scratch an idea to make it better. Kind of like songwriting don't be married to the rhyme scheme be willing to start from scratch if it doesn't say what you want. Tweaking is King.

I would add to that Do it Differently than last year. Doing the same thing over and over again with the same results is the definition of insanity.

Happy 2012 Everyone!!! Make this a year to remember.

©2011 Cari Cole, Vocal Mag, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


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