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Seventh Fear

TMV World Legacy Member
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Posts posted by Seventh Fear

  1. well what a load of tot lol, my site has no viruses no logging in it's open to the public as thats how we get our bookings but i'll tell you what i'll do ........ i'll leave this website as it seems if your songs aren't on a scerton site to play then no one will listen very snobish if you ask me!

    so this is goodby from me and to all those so called singers on here baring a few give up you are terrible and i mean crap take up brick laying as you'll never be good at singing.

    ciao for ever.

  2. Hi Olem,

    You have picked a very hard song to sing I would suggest the same as Michele but I personaly would say this is not the song for your voice try a lower key until your range or if your range gets high enough to handle this type of song.

    We all love ACDC but singing their songs is another thing try the earlier songs like "problem child" or "whole lot of rosie" but keep trying well done.

    Martin :cool:

  3. Geno, To get the dirt working on your voice when ever you want it you have to warm up your voice here's a tip have you seen the film The Shinning when the little boy say's RedRun over and over or when you sing a soft ballad and you come in slow and soft and your voice breaks up well that's the sound you need (it's also great for warming down) so what i do is start very quietly with wooooooaaaaaaaaooooo over and over slowly getting louder then the same mmmmeeeeeeaaaaaaaaeee then short and sharp 1 2 3 4 beat e i a o plus your normal breathing support etc, this warms me up before a gig and it normaly takes arouind 20 to 25 mins after this i can sing dirty anytime i like like switching it on and off. or listen to this and this is the sound i use


    nearly forgot Geno shit hot track great voice :D

  4. so whats wrong with the link i put on here??? it go's to my bands website and it works fine http://www.gunmetalgrey.co.uk/SONG_PAGE.htm how many times do i have to add this and i don't like speedyshare.com every time i've tried it for any links added here it always f%&ks up lol :lol:

    http://www.gunmetalgrey.co.uk/SONG_PAGE.htm or there's always

    http://www.gunmetalgrey.co.uk/SONG_PAGE.htm or try http://www.gunmetalgrey.co.uk/SONG_PAGE.htm

    and not forgetting that they are on my profile ....... or do the admin have to aprove them first .... velcome to Stallag 17 (aka zee Modern Vocalist) vee vill makes you veeerrrry comfffeee lmao :P

    the link takes you straight to the songs page and they are all there no hunting the net or serching around scouts honore and all that lol

  5. God the people on here are nice, Wooferine personaly i think you need to add some volume to your voice it sounds like your singing about as loud as quietly chat in some ones ear and i would say get some lessons sorry but i speak the truth.

    Keep it up though as i do think there is such potential in your vioce try the Brett manning singing CD's they would work for you so well you have to email me and as i may be able to help ;) (if you know what i mean) and if you don't just email me!!

  6. Hi All

    I thought i'd add these two tracks and see if i can get some honest feedback I love these songs and have gone out of my way to make them my own rather than trying to sound like the original.

    Please let me know what you think and if you have any feedback on the vocals (my band slapped these together using Cubase on my laptop in our rehersal studio. ;)

    You can find these tracks on my profile here at The Modern Vocalist

  7. Hi just listend and couldn't hear anything bad at all but if you do another Video could you have less reverb because it's like your hiding your vocal behind the effect and the Dido song i couldn't hear your vocal all i got was a wash of effect. this is what a lot of singers do when they are insecure about their vocal and you have a voice that don't need as much.

    Well done if you would like any backing tracks let me know and i'll email some over as I collect them as a kind of hoby :D

  8. Jens, If you keep trying to sing a song that is out of your range in the end you will strain to get the High notes which will push your voice over the limit then you are open to hurting your voice, but there many alternative way's to sing a song like this rather than copying the original vocal watch the video of Devas Live when they sing you shook me all night long by ACDC it is amaving http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULmC8JTTVy0

  9. try getting the malisa cross dvd's The Zen of Screaming I found then very usefull i'll post my version of Highway to Hell on here soon and you will hear what i meant by making a song your own by singing it your way rather than copying another vocalists style.

    take it easy and if there's any backing tracks you may need give me a shout and i'll forward them on as i have hundreds from Journey to Megadeath (i use them to practis to) ;)

  10. Blimey a singer who want's to sound like them self rather than sounding like steve perry well done, I agree with Steve "While the top was occasionally riding sharp, I think that is because you have freed it (up top) from whatever restriction was holding your pitch quite flat in the lower part of your voice" and you didn't quite nail it also it's a love song and i couldn't hear any emotion in your voice and if you listen to the original Perry is feeling the song and making it personal.

    Bloody good try will be looking out for you again

  11. I'm going to be straight "Don't sing that ACDC song again it's out of your range" it sounded like you were straining to hit the notes and you went out a few times and it's a comon mistake with singers covering ACDC as they think they have to sing up in the clouds.

    My band do this track and I can say it is difficult but i have a high range and have experimented rehersed and nailed it after six hard months so sing it in your own voice again and again until you get it then try adding a little grit here and there but at this stage it will damage your voice and not worth it.

    all the best to you and respect

  12. OK i listend and just want to know why did you try to copy ACDC/Bryan Johnsons style of singing when your own voice sounds cool and would of made the song sound so much better and by just adding a little grit here and there would of made it jump out in your face, now Bonjovi songs are always open for the critics to look for flores but instead of copying and trying to sound like Jon Bonjovi you made the song your own by singing it your way and it was cool. :cool:

    Imporfections make us sound perfect and it's what rock n roll is all about

  13. Why do you guy's try to sing like the original track?? do it your own way with your own style, I listend and it sounded like your singing in falceto but i'd personaly like to hear you sing in a full voice in your own style as it would make your screems sound awsome. I did my own version of Jean Geany by Bowie if you check it out it's on my profile then you will see what i mean.

  14. OK I herd it and .................... I liked it !! great voice well in control and an excellent range I only have one criticism and it's only a personal one, you seem to pronounce your lyrics perfect with all the P's and Q's well rock is about attitude listen to the original and they don't sing "cry no more" it's more "cra no mor" kind of makes it less classical and more radical but baring that man it was sweet and I herd a little bit of Dream theater style going on there with a touch of Rush which had me hooked now dats sick.

    Dam when does it come out as a single???? ::cool:

    "Rock's not about singing in key it's about attitude man" Tyler Aerosmith interviewed by Tommy Vance

  15. wow thanks Robert :cool:

    quite a lot of people don't like the J G song and they go for the Ballad?

    I have some of your free vocal tips and vids which have helped but with three fantastic kids and not forgetting my wife (who supports me in everything 100%) I don't have the resorses to pay for Vocal training but i am blown away that you would like to coach me it's made my head swell.

    A friend gave me the Brett Manning vocal tuition CD's and i'm working my way through them but they're not realy for Rock and Metal and anything else crazy that i like.

    I have the Malisa Cross DVD's which are cool but i do dirty, gravel and dream theater clean so i'm bouncing back and forth.

    what a way to start a new year Robert Lunte Likes my singing s**t i'm on a permanent high

    Thank you this site is so cool :D

    all the best


    PS You have to try the new Boss VE-20 it is so cool I got one as a x-mas gift

  16. Hi all

    Haven't been on here for a while now due to schedule going through the roof :D

    But anyway I had a play about in my friends studio and did a couple of demo's one is a ballad I've had knocking about for a while and the other is a crazy version of a David Bowie :lol: song they are on my profile and open for all to listen to, would like some constructive crit if you up to it.

    all the best


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