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Ernest Whaley

TMV World Legacy Member
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Posts posted by Ernest Whaley

  1. I like much of what I hear in your voice and your songs and would like to hear more --especially in person without the mike. Better voice quality and handling of a song than I hear from many of today's "singers". I like what you do.......musiker


    Thank you so much for your very kind words. I have about 4 plus hours of other songs that that I am working on so I am sure i will get more up here eventually.

    That is if I can get some finished before I start new ones :)

    Blessings and Balance,


  2. I just joined TMV and thought, since I would like to get a CD made this year, that I would ask for feedback on my voice as it is now, and what I might do to get a better sound inside of a month or two.

    Not that I would stop after that time period, but I have been sitting almost 5 hours of material for too long without recording any of it outside of my home studio.

    I have some on my homepage here at TMV, and more at http://www.myspace.com/ernestwhaley

    Ernest's FaceBook Music Page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ernest-Whaley/30223486940

    Any suggestions you could send my way would be GREATLY appreciated.

    Blessings and Balance,


  3. I just joined TMV and thought, since I would like to get a CD made this year, that I would ask for feedback on my voice as it is now, and what I might do to get a better sound inside of a month or two.

    Not that I would stop after that time period, but I have been sitting almost 5 hours of material for too long without recording any of it outside of my home studio. :D

    I have some on my homepage here at TMV, and more at http://www.myspace.com/ernestwhaley

    Any suggestions you could send my way would be GREATLY appreciated.

    Blessings and Balance,


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