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Posts posted by riakeen

  1. HI there,

    HI there! Had a listen - it appears that you're losing a lot of breath when you sing (i.e. your notes sound very 'breathy'), which implies that you're not supporting. If you sort out the support issue, you'll find a more 'connected' voice and will then be able to start working better with resonance. :)

    I saw that you posted elsewhere on the forum about range-stretching exercises' - in the first instance it's not actually those that you need (in my opinion), it's underlying breath support: once that's in place your range will improve a little automatically, but then with exercise will improve enormously. However, if you try to do range building on an unsupported voice you're more than likely to hurt yourself. I'd check yourself in to see a reputable vocal coach to get that support thing sorted - it opens up the voice almost instantly when taught well!

  2. Hi Broanna,

    I had a listen - you have a lovely 'pure' quality to your voice, and this will broaden over time to become richer and more 'bedded in'.

    Technically speaking, I'd suggest that you do some work on your bottom notes, as they tend to disappear (things like the word 'glory' in Wind Beneath...). This is easily addressed and would give more character to the bottom end of your range. I don't know if you work with a singing teacher and don't want to step on toes. If you'd like some tips, please email me and I'll be happy to help. Otherwise, you can always ask your coach to work with you on these minor points :-) This adjustment should be as simple as:

    decrease the amount of breath being used as you descend, but

    increase support energy, and

    place your lowest notes forward (most people instinctively let the bottom notes drop into the chest).

    The second thing I picked up is that you tend to flatten in pitch when singing in the upper part of your middle register, especially if you've changed up from your lower register. This is dead easy to fix if you know you're doing it :-)

    Finally, I'd just suggest experimenting a bit more with tonal colour, as you tend to sing everything with basically the same colour. Your basic tone is great - but don't be afraid to step outside of the sound that you make naturally, and explore other ideas. I see that you like Bon Jovi as well as the 'clean' sounds of people like Mariah C. and Celine D. Your voice will let you sing with edge if you ask it nicely :-) Again, it's a question of working with your coach and exploring outside of the comfort zone.

    As to your voice not being right for all of the people all of the time.............. that's true for everyone! People like different sounds, and what works for one set of ears doesn't work for another. You can only please some of the people some of the time, and be the very best singer that you're capable of being whilst pleasing that sector of the listening community. Don't try to please everyone - you'll end up distilling what you do and becoming a 'magnolia' singer :-) Be true to your own sound, know who you are / want to be as an artist and then work work work!

    I hope that's constructive. Bear in mind that whoever we are, we are all just people with opinions :-) As before - please email me privately if you'd like more detail or tips. I'm happy to help if I can.

    All the best!


  3. Hi Sally :-)

    First off, thank you so much for your lovely email and I'm so glad that you're getting success with the throat deconstriction download and other exercises!

    re your vocal - my main observations are that you are not supporting the voice, which is causing you to sing with a constricted throat (bingo!) and additionally, all of your resonance is floating up into your head / mask. Head resonance is not going to be helpful to you, as it is essentially just 'sympathetic vibration' and is unmodifiable. You could do with bringing the resonance sensations out of the head and into the mouth, which will help to make the voice sound more 'round' and warm. However, the bottom line is that the voice will remain stuck both in terms of tone and in terms of range, until that support issue is sorted out. Of course, all of this is a bit of a 'speed reader's guide' and will only make real sense when you're with a good coach! I'll be happy to try to help at more length if you'd like to email me. Hilary's likely to have some great advice too :-)

    Merry meet and merry part :-)


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