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TMV World Legacy Member
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Posts posted by lwood

  1. Thanks, Stacey. The last two were my daughter! :lol: She is seven. I need to set her up her own page. She is the one that I really need to get a critique on, and some voice lessons for. I would like to get her started off right!

    I try to stay hydrated, and I will be fine until I am onstage and singing, then all of a sudden the tickle will start. Mortifying! I do have really bad allergies as well. And the allergy medication dries up the sinuses so I don't have to take a box of Kleenex onstage with me, but I think it makes the dryness worse. Problems, problems. And I do have stage fright pretty bad. I keep it under control fairly well so it is not crippling, but I think it still affects things. I never get the tickle when I am just practicing at home.

  2. Hello,

    I would appreciate a critique of the vocals that I have listed on my MySpace page at http://www.myspace.com/woodwesternmusic. I have had no vocal training, but I'm sure it is never too late to start. I uploaded one song on my TMV profile, and will try to put up a couple more.

    I am having a little trouble with a dry throat/voice, and a tickle that turns into a cough sometimes when I sing. Once it starts I cannot sing around it...A slight rest and a drink of water will usually help, but you can't really do that in the middle of a song. Any idea what is causing it or what I can do to alleviate it? It caused a disaster at a live show a couple of weeks ago, and I would like to prevent it from happening again!

    Thank you.

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