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Posts posted by doomhead

  1. any city and colour fans out there?


    This guys sings very light and its tough to hold the coordination on the higher phrases.

    I dont know how the real singer does this.. It sounds like hes in pure headvoice but he sounds so balanced.

    For me , sometimes I sing this straight in pure headvoice which makes it easier to sing but can sound too heady or girly and can be wobbly too.

    For this attempt I tried to mix in some chest, for some added bottom and is more stable but on those darn high notes I had to fall into pure headvoice, anyways critique and advice to help transition those higher notes more smoothly would be welcome..


  2. Hope you don't mind but I remastered the demo and gave it more dynamics and it kicks even more ass now! Hope you like what I did. ;) Here's a download link for ya...


    If you play it back to back with the original you will really hear the difference.

    Not much to critique.. nice tight rockin tune. well done.


    I have a question for you.

    I dont want to hijack this thread. But can you explain what you did to that file to "remaster" and "snaxify" it? I always struggle to get enough power into any recordings i do.


  3. Hi everyone,

    Its been a few months, and have been working on gettin a better 'top down' sound going on.

    I am a beginner singer so I would like to hear feedback on my voice for this style of song. The song is by a Blues singer from canada, 'Matt Anderson'. But its not a blues song more like a country ballad.

    He has a huge voice which I know is impossible to emulate, so I just did my thing on it, playing the guitar and singing. This was recorded via a condensor mic hanging in front of my amp pointed at me like a monitor.


    Thanks for reading.


  4. This is a general question for the TMV experts. It only concerns one aspect of recording a vocal. For purposes of analysis - not for mixing into kareoke (sp) or other intrument tracks. How should the vocals be recorded to provide the most material for analysis. For example, would recording a voc as dry as possible (no reverb, no delay, no compression) be prefered or maybe recording in a very "live" room with lots of echo. Which is better to do analysis on?


    Pete W

  5. Hi there,

    I have been working alot on breathing excersises and twang to help with my bridges. I now feel a new buzzing sensation when I sing and this is present in all ranges. I believe this is the 'mask' sensation that folks talk about but I am not 100% sure.

    I have added 2 songs to show different parts of my voice

    A slower intimate song to show some softer qualities "Halleluah" Its supposed to be my Jeff Buckley attempt of this song.


    This song I have to sing full out, as it demands more. "In Love With A Girl - Gavin Degraw"


    PLease take a few minutes to listen and give any advice.. both right and wrong.



  6. Thanks for the time Steven. I light of what you said.. I re-recorded the halleluah tune again :). Could I get your ear on the approach I took on this take? I have tried to sing this one smoother.. but as you say my concept of tone may be off. My concept of a smoother tone is when I sing lighter/softer. But doing so I find I lose the edginess and the higher notes feel wobbly. Maybe because of the habit with the 'squeeze' thing. What would be great to know is if this take is more along the right track or is it somewhere in the middle of the two approaches. In the meantime I will try the 'la' excersise when vocalizing.



  7. hi there.

    i have been working alot on compression. So now i think im over compressing please take a lesson and confirm. things sound abit squeezy to my ears. but i have to squeeze it to get to some of the high notes. im thinking i need to learn to adjust the amount of squeeze and only squeeze when its needed. i think here its squeezy everywhere


    I've added another recording. this was done same day as the other one. different tune though. I feel the higher parts are squeezy too. maybe with more time using the squeeze this goes away? but im starting to wonder if a bad habit is developing or something.


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